Tuesday 14 October 2014

Music videos with favoured characteristics for inspiration

With in this post, I will be examining some music videos that have characteristics that we like and would like to use as inspiration in our music video. Although these tracks do not fall into the genre f drum and bass, which is our chosen genre, the genre of these videos is hip-hop which was formed from drum and bass. Furthermore, the visuals used interest us and are very similar to the atmosphere we are trying to create.

Video 1: Fliptrix - Duppying the style

From watching this music video we have decided that it incorporates locations and lighting that we wanted to include in our video. The darkness with low-key lighting creates a mysterious mood. As well as this, the editing through out this video is very interesting utilising different speed of footage and composition. These are features we must take into consideration to create the vibe that we originally wanted. This may mean that we need to do some practise shots in the locations with correct lighting to see if it looks anything like our original concept. Shots to practise include tracking shots and general shots with movement, keeping the camera steady is the difficult part, but it makes all the difference.

Video 2: Ramson Badbonez- February- Whateva Da Weather

As we have mentioned in the planning stages, we would like to incorporate the use of a black and white effect, this music video does the same as seen from the screen grab and actual full video. It creates a sense of unknown as colour is something our eyes judge constantly. Therefore, i believe the use of black and white footage will be successful as it may not be expected.

Another video by the same artist 'Ramson Badbonez' utilises special effects and graphics, this was also something, in the early stages of research and planning that we wanted to include. Here are some examples:

Eroded 'interupted signal' effect over a logo design.

Video 3: Fingerfood ft. Bva, Res, Leaf Dog - Back to the roots

The locations used in this video are very urban and gritty with a sense of street living and youth culture, these are themes our video would ideally express, this may be difficult to convey with limited people being in the video, but we will try are hardest to get the messages across.

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