Friday 17 October 2014

The theme of youth culture and the different factors involved.

The youths in our modern society and how they are stereotyped/ represented.

We have ensured that our settings reflect the modern day youths, seeing as the drum and bass music genre is aimed at rebellious youths going against what is considered the norms or society.
One of our locations is in Leake street, this is a popular graffiti tunnel where any members of the public are legally allowed to graffiti down. The use of graffiti is one way out of many that youths can express themselves. In our song the lyrics suggest that "spitting bars" is the artists way of expressing himself and this all links to the theme of youth culture. As you can see in the video below, young people will do what they have to do to express themselves even it it means going against the law.

Gang culture : In this time period gangs have progressively gotten bigger and the numbers have increased. Drum and bass music is most popular in poorer, less established area's and from this, groups of people form. A lot of the youths living in these types of area's have grown up in an environment that glamourises violence and drugs within the rap/ drum and bass/ grime culture. Britain has become the most violent industrial nation and this is seen in our song "pin you down and rip your brain out through your nose G" The chances of being assaulted in the UK are higher than those of the US, with london becoming more dangerous than new york in recent years.

The video clip below informs us about weaponry regarding the youths of today, seeing as the use of weapons is increasing. This could potentially be down to the message that grime/ drum and bass artists give to them, linking to the name of our song "Primal instinct" as it is a humans primal instinct to survive and therefore protect themselves. And to do this you need to make money, a lot of youths turn to music hoping that they will make it, they follow in the steps of their favourite artists who they hope they can aspire towards.

Some would say that violence and aggression are other ways of expressionism, this is seen in a lot of drum and bass and grime music. The artist usually raps about things that the audience can relate to, these things can vary but they often include words of aggression and rebellion and this is why we thought that we should have the themes of our music video as City Life, Gang Culture and youth culture.

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