Monday 10 November 2014

Construction Post

During our first filming session on Friday the 7th of November, we encountered several issues, as well as this, we came across some things we were also very pleased with.

 First of all, we need to ensure that all of our shots are framed so that the top of the head of the person being filmed isn't cut off. As seen in the image, left, it makes the shot look messy and effects the composition. By moving the camera backwards slightly, we would have solved this problem. This is something to think about during our next filming session. We may have to re-shoot some of the shots to rectify these mistakes.

 The same thing happened in this shot, but the top of the head was even more cut off, almost half of the top of the cap is cut off. Similarly in the other shot, by moving the camera backwards or zooming out of the shot would have solved this issue. This shot would look much improved after a re-shoot taking into account the framing as more of the background will be in the image which will add more colour and form to the shot.

To film this shot, I had to climb a wall and stand above the camera. It was filmed on a fig rig, this is why the shot is not as straight and steady as we would've liked, practising use of the fig rig will improve this shot and make it look more professional. Despite this, we liked this shot as it is more creative than some others and therefore we are keen to keep it but re-shot to solve the problem of unsteadiness.

Noticeably, this shot is out of focus, this means we need to ensure that before recording the shot that the camera is in perfect focus so the shots are clear and professional. Although this shot is out of focus, I believe when it is re-shot, it will be successful as it is from a different angle to the rest of the shots we have and so, may be viewed as more interesting to the audience. I believe we need more interesting shots like this.

The main issue we came across was that after reaching our filming destination in London, Waterloo, we discovered that our camera only had one bar of battery left. This was detrimental to our filming as we had travelled very far just to film there, and we only got about 10 minutes footage before we had to leave due to the camera dying. Next time we have to make sure that we have been given a battery pack that's fully charged so we don't have to waste a trip again.

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