Tuesday 11 November 2014

Inspiration for our music video.

I found a editing technique which looks like it would fit in well with our music video, its an overlay of shots with a fade on it. It would be a good idea to play about with similar idea's and to try out some test shots. This could be used as a chance to potentially show flash backs etc. Almost as if the artist is looking back on the past.

Additionally, we planned on our storyboard that we will have some close ups and extreme close ups of the artist smoking. I have found a few shots that look aesthetically pleasing, the use of black and white and the angles in which they use make the shots effective. The use of smoking would be a good thing to include in our music video as in links in with the themes of youth culture and rebellion.

The next video shows the use of the fish eye effect, this would look good when on bridges and in leak street tunnel. We can do this on the go pro, before we film however we will need to do some test shots and these will later be uploaded to the blog. Another thing that would be a good idea to include would be aspects of the city, we could cut between the different types of lifestyle, this would help portray the theme of city life.

Split screen, i think that the use of split screen could be effective if used in the right way. This would give the video an eery effect and that is what we are looking for as it links in with our genre of drum and bass. The use of the split screen could potentially show the difference in the artists personality/ the different lifestyles that he has expereienced.

Drum and bass music is generally upbeat and fast, this means that we need to ensure that we cut quickly. However, it would be effective if we cut quicker than we should to give the effect that is seen in the clip below, we would need to cut exactly on the beat to make it work.

The use of a stencil when doing graffiti down in leak street tunnel. We will be making a stencil, similar to that of the one shown in the clip below. However, ours will say "Primal instinct" which is the name of our song. The use of graffiti in our music video will fit in well with our genre and themes as expressionism is important when thinking about youth culture.

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