Tuesday 18 November 2014

Test shots on the GoPro

The video above shows some footage that we took using the GoPro, this was done within our school grounds. We initially had the idea to use the GoPro to shoot some shots in our music video, however we didn't think it was necessary as we thought that the DSLR was to a high enough quality and anything that we wanted to film on the GoPro, we could do through editing for example: slow motion and time lapse. Another problem that we had with using the GoPro is that in order to use it we needed to download an app in to run it on but neither of us in the group was able to download the app which restricted us.

I feel like the quality of the picture is that of a lower standard to the quality if the DSLR. As you can see in the footage of above, it is not at a high quality. We filmed the walk from the outside playground where we were filming back to the class room.

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