Tuesday 18 November 2014

Reviewing our progress

Our first trip out didn't go to plan, we had planned to film for the majority of the day in Leake Street tunnel. However, when we got to our destination and set up the camera we found that the battery was only on one bar of battery which meant that we had to rush the shots that we managed to get in the short time span that we had. We then come back to 6th form to get a newly charged battery and headed out to New Malden bypass in which we managed to get some more shots. We also looked at a location in which we originally planned to film but we found that the bridge was closed as works are being done until the end of December. In which we took action and found an alternative location.

Our second trip out was much more of a successful trip, we managed to get more organised and well framed shots. We Also looked for additional locations in London. We filmed on a few bridges near south bank and got some establishing shots of our surroundings.          

Our next trip was also successful, we went back to our second location in Raynes Park and we reframed the previous shots that were out of focus or out of frame when we previously filmed in the location. We also got additional shots to fill in some of the space in our music video as in our first draft there are a few gaps in between performance shots.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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