Friday 12 September 2014

Analysis of a pop video- Miley Cyrus Party in the U.S.A

Analysis of a pop video 1:

Firstly, the use of cinematography in this music video makes the genre specific. An example of this is the establishing shot in which shows the setting of a lot of young people who are well dressed, surrounding expensive looking cars this highlights the wealth of the young people and therefore the artist, this is important because a lot of the time in pop video's the artist is showing off their possessions. This makes the audience want to be in the same setting that the music video is showing, idolizing the artist as not many people can relate to the music video which is a stereotypical 'American teenager' setting.
Additionally, There are close ups of Miley Cyrus standing in front of a car this illustrates her independence and youth. This is what young people aspire to be. There are dancers in the background but they aren't in the limelight of Miley which is important as in pop music video's the artist has to stand out and you will notice that most of the shots would be close ups of the artist.
Next, in most of the shots Miley is in the middle of the people surrounding her. This shows that her popularity is high and that she wants people to follow in her steps/ be like her.
In multiple shots Miley is standing in front of the American flag, this appeals to patriots and is indicating that America is the place to be. By showing her 'life' as exciting it makes the young audience envy her and with envy come the love of the artist.

Next mise en scene is used to show rebellion and youth, an example of this is the close up shot of Miley's feet when she sings the line 'Everybody's in stiletto's, guess I never got the memo' the close up shows a pair of cowboy boots. Not only does this show rebellion but it shows that she doesn't care about what people are going to think or say about her as it is followed up but a close up of her face that does not look bothered that she is going to stand out.
I also noticed that in the beginning of the song, she is dressed quite innocently but as the song progresses her outfits and actions start to become more provocative, this is seen when she is swinging on chains.

Furthermore, in her performance it always shows Miley smiling or laughing which relates to the lyrics and the upbeat song. This shows the audience that they should enjoy their lives and therefore listen to her music as all the people surrounding her are enjoying themselves whilst listening to her music. There are drops in the tempo of the song after the fastest tempo which could suggest that even when your having fun you have to have some kind of rest which the audience can relate to. The use of editing is important in this pop video to show the different scenes, cross cutting is used to show the different scenery and giving the audience a glimpse of the different things that are happening.

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