Tuesday 16 September 2014

Artist Image: MaXX

MC MaXX (artist image)

Drum and Bass is the genre that our music video song falls into, this means our group need to choose the image of the artist carefully to link to the genre conventions already in place.
As the artist we are focusing on is the 'MC' which stands for master of ceremonies. This is the male rapping through out the song. This is not everyday hip-hop rap, its different due to the genre its for. For instance, its faster as the beats per minute of the song is higher than that of hip-hop (170BMP), as well as the fact the flow is different to match the sound of the song.  In the drum and bass scene, mc's are though of very highly, and are well respected, this is just something that comes with the territory. This means our artist needs to look respectable and conventional to the genre. After doing research, we can start to piece together ideas of what we want and need our artist to look like.

For instance, these images are of current drum and bass Mc's.

Mc Harry Shotta (left)
Mc Evil B (right)

As we can see, the two dress very similarly, in a very casual and urban street wear style. Both are seen to wear snap back hats. These artists dress very similarly to pop artists as drum and bass is much more underground and edgy. Mc's in the the drum and bass genre are also looked up to by fans for what they wear, as well as the messages they convey in their lyrics. Shotta (left) is wearing dark colors which is a factor our group may want to relay in our video for our artist.

Evil B (right) is shot in that picture to be actively mc'ing during the time that picture was shot. He is using hand gestures to emphasise his lyrics, this is a characteristic most Mc's utilise to add meaning to what they are saying as well as being physically active whilst 'spitting bars'. All of these factors are things we need to take into consideration when shooting our music video to create realism and to keep it conventional.

Our artist, will be dressed in reasonably dark colors as this will compliment the use of black and white filters being added. Also, there may be small small areas of color, the logo on the snap back and other clothes MaXX will be wearing could include some color that we could show through the black and white as when this is done successfully it can look really professional. This would also add some excitement to the video as arguably, black and white footage through out the whole video is quite boring. Furthermore, the clothing real Mc's wear are normally heavily branded, this could be a feature we include as it will solidify the belief that MaXX is a genuine Mc. On the other hand, we could go the other way and have less heavily branded clothes to create individuality to that Mc that would make him stand out from the others. Artist image in this genre is very important, but not in the same way it is in Pop music. Image in the drum and bass scene is all about being 'real' and not fake. It is arguable to say that in Pop music, the artist would have an image that pleases the public, not necessarily to please themselves. They may be told what to wear by their manager as that is the image they think will 'sell'. In drum and bass the artist dress to please themselves, and the 'realness' is where they gain respect from their fans.

Possible outfits for MaXX:
Black snap back hat
Grey branded tshirt
Black hoodie
black jeans
nike trainers

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